Up the roof and down deep holes

After climbing up and down the roof perhaps 200 times, nailing 1250 slates, using about 3000 nails, hitting my thumb 7 times in exactly the same place, and visiting the physiotherapist once (for shoulder, not thumb), the roof is finished! I was one short of the special hip tiles, and improvised, and have about 35 of the normal slates left over - so pretty pleased with my quantity estimation.
Meanwhile the search for the sewers continues. The guys doing the work dug a hole at the bottom of the church steps, but the drains were not where they should be, and in fact seem to turn down Bear Hill, running much closer to where we originally planned to connect up, which should save time and money. In the process, they snagged the main supply to the church, which also wasn't where it should be, and had to shut off the water supply before an emergency repair was possible. Today, having traced the drain running about 40m towards our house, they dug two very deep holes, but haven't found the drain even 2m down. They are planning to bring a bigger digger tomorrow!
