A man's shed

We applied for planning permission some time ago to put an outbuilding on the old tennis court lawn. Stephanie thinks this is a "man shed" whereas in fact its a vital part of the building, providing me with a workshop and a garden store (as well as a retreat from the house to a man's shed!) 

We needed permission because one of the planning conditions for the main building was that we lost the normal development rights to do anything else. We heard today the the permission was granted, and so I can show you some of the preparation that went on while we were waiting.

We first got Pete Olds and his team to strip off the topsoil, a few weeks ago, to make a concrete "raft" with thick edges and a thinner middle section.

Then they added hardcore and steel reinforcement - strong enough to hold a fortress! I had hoped that we could get this ready in time for concrete pouring during the main foundation works, but we missed by a week or so.

The slab will now sit and wait until we can put a timber frame on top - its a useful area for the builders to do carpentry (they make wooden templates of the various curves, each wall needing one with its own radius).


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