Pouring concrete

The foundations are filled with concrete - several trucks arrive one by one and are quickly unloaded. They pump their load into another truck (on the left of the photo) that then pumps it through a long series of hose sections up through the trees, across the site and direct into the waiting trenches. 

and after about 2 hours the foundations were more or less done!

If you wondered - as I did - how they clean the concrete out of the long hose, its easy. The chap in charge says you stick a foam ball in the hose, and the pump pushes it through with air pressure. By the time it pops out at the other end, the hose is clean!


  1. Buy a drone so we can have some aerial shots. I'm sure you've got plenty of spare time on your hands

    1. I've just set up a system to hold my mobile phone in the same spot, so I can take a photo a day ... !


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