Tackling terracing

We have been meaning to do something about the steep grass slope, which is difficult to maintain. Our solution is to make a long curved wall, about half the height of the slope, filled above with soil to make a terrace, and add flower beds. 

After rejecting a brick wall, on the basis of the expense of a structure with foundations, concrete and a cladding of bricks, we have gone for dry-stone walling ... and I have decided to do it myself.

Part 1 was to hire a 1.5 ton digger and a 1 ton dumper truck.

Three days later the site was about ready. The ramp will have steps, eventually.
The first 3 tons of stone arrived from a quarry in the Cotswolds. It was surprisingly quick - but hard work - to move it down from the car parking area to the garden.

The first day of construction ... and now ...
... 3 days later, with another 3 tons of stone moved into position. I have estimated 12 tons in total.
